Lourdes building our House
in Dumaguete,  in Nov-Dec 2009
Cousin Nelson our 'security guy' (standing in blue T-shirt) pays a visit to see what his buddies are accomplishing
that gap is where the internal stairway will be
on December 1-3, cement was successfully poured (by hand) and set on the second floor!
now, the 2nd-floor wall are being built, and distinct rooms being formed
After long expensive bureaucratic hassle, we got the Permit -- YAY!!   now we can begin
hooking up water and electricity from the city systems -- our solar-power system will come later.
Looking into the future master-bedroom
upstairs bathrooms
They start to build the pillars that will support the ceilings and the roof
gettin' started,  near the end of October
lotsa labor, few machines  -- we're "creating jobs", as they say...
the Boss pitches in